
Difficult, Edema without Jaundice, Generalized Throughout Body, Mild Edema

Mild Edema –

Concentration 2.25%

Dilution – approx. 9 oz. per gallon solution (Using a 33 index) Use Dilution Calculator for all other index’s

Directions –

  1. Dissolve 1 cup Epsom Salt completely in 1 gallon of lukewarm water; keep in separate container.
  2. Pour 9 oz of 33 index arterial into embalming machine tank,
  3. 5-8 oz of capillary conditioner,
  4. 5-8 oz. of drainage chemical and
  5. 4 oz edema chemical. Next,
  6. Add dissolved salt water up to 1-gallon total solution* (roughly 1/3rd tank using a 3 gal. tank). Pour through nylon stockings to filter un-dissolved salt crystals from entering embalming machine tank.

Repeat as necessary.  Use professional judgment, but approximately 1 gal for every 50 lb. of body weight should be considered. 

*Some manufacturers suggest against the use of Epsom Salt, but I’ve never had an issue with all the most popular machines on the market.

Recommended procedures:

Semi-lunar incision – allows gravity to drain edema from head, face and neck.

Elevate decedent – as vertical as possible allows gravity to work best.