
Difficult, Edema without Jaundice, Edema Localized, Legs, Moderate Edema

Moderate Edema –

Concentration 2.6%

Dilution – approx. 10 oz. per gallon solution (Using a 33 index) Use Dilution Calculator for all other index’s

Directions –

  1. Dissolve 1.5 cups Epsom Salt completely in 1 gallon of lukewarm water; keep in separate container.
  2. Pour 10 oz of 33 index arterial into embalming machine tank,
  3. 5-8 oz of capillary conditioner,
  4. 5-8 oz. of drainage chemical and
  5. 4 oz edema chemical. Next,
  6. Add dissolved salt water up to 1-gallon total solution* (roughly 1/3rd tank using a 3 gal. tank). Pour through nylon stockings to filter un-dissolved salt crystals from entering embalming machine tank.

Repeat as necessary.  Use professional judgment.

*Some manufacturers suggest against the use of Epsom Salt, but I’ve never had an issue with all the most popular machines on the market.

Recommended procedures:

Select Common Illiac Artery or Femoral Artery for injection.

Make incision behind artery to sever the vein for maximum drainage. (Periodically use clamps to retard drainage from vein, encouraging diffusion of arterial fluid deeper into tissue).

Consider channeling up the leg, from the Achilles’ tendon area with a trocar.

Elevate table so that hips are higher than feet allowing gravity to assist with the removal of edema.

Hypodermic injection of the leg, feet and buttocks will be required.

Leave incision open as long as possible before dressing.