Moderate Emaciation
Concentration 1.5%
Dilution – approx. 6 oz. arterial fluid per gallon of solution (Using 32 index) Use Dilution Calculator for all other index’s
Directions –
- RCI or Restricted Cervical Injection, using bra-strap incisions is recommended.
- Embalm normally. The Left carotid artery should be tied off with an incision above the ligation.
- In last 1.5 gallons of injection clamp off drainage and allow slight swelling of tissues and add 3-4 oz of Humectant – be certain to mix solution and run it through the machine so the solution is completely mixed prior to injecting up.
- Inject the Left Common Carotid Artery with intermittent drainage. Create swelling by injection. Repeat using the Right Common Carotid Artery and inject to match left side of face.
NOTE: Feature Builder may be needed to complete the restoration of the emaciated face. Don’t forget about feature building the neck and hairline.