Child: First Few Months – 1yr
Concentration 1.75% (do not mix solution in embalming tank)
Dilution – approx. 1 oz. arterial fluid per 9 oz. water or 12 oz arterial fluid to 1 gal total solution with water as the dilute. (Using 18 index) Use Dilution Calculator for all other index’s
Directions –
- Mix 12 oz. of 18 index arterial fluid with every 1 gallon of solution, add an ounce -3 oz of humectant fluid. (this may be mixed inside a container or if the baby is large enough to withstand a cannula and hose, mix inside the embalming machine).
- Draw solution into a 20 cc syringe (or larger). Connect a luer-lock infant rubber catheter to the syringe (remove air from syringe and catheter). Slight pressure on the syringe plunger should be tested to judge the rate of flow.
- If an infant cannula is used be certain the embalming machine is well calibrated and the control knobs read accurately. When the settings are low some machines tend to spike in rate of flow and pressure.
- Select appropriate artery and vein (typically an autopsy will have been performed so use the exposed arteries as normal). If no autopsy was performed use the Femoral artery and vein of the right leg. NOTE: be mindful of purpling of the head and face due to drainage difficulties and blockages. If the face does not clear relatively soon a Common Carotid artery should be used with Jugular vein drainage.
- After arterial embalming, check entire body for areas that received poor circulation. These areas should be hypodermically injected and possibly treated with external packs of preservative cream. NOTE: the buttocks should be hypodermically treated to restore and maintain proper form.
- Feature setting should be at a minimum. Do not use needle injector, mouth formers, or ligature to close the mouth. Mouth closure (if necessary) can be easily performed with Aron Alpha or other instant adhesive. Do not close mouth until after embalming. It may be necessary to get back inside the mouth for cleaning or aspiration after the embalming process.
- Aspirate the cavities using an infant trocar.
- Fully saturate the cavities with cavity fluid injected with syringe.
- Suture incisions including the aspiration holes. Large trocar buttons may be detected by the family.
- Bathe and clean the infant with baby soap and baby powder to help disguise chemical odors and restore the “baby smell”.
- Glue incisions and place cotton over the glued incision.
- Remove infant from the table and rest the body into a swaddling or receiving blanket. The infant should then be placed upon a soft pillow or inside a cradle. Do not leave any part of the infant resting on a hard surface such as a table or counter-top.